When we were developing our mission at The Table and Reconciling in Christ was mentioned, I had to look into the meaning. The word reconciliation means “to be at peace again”. That made me think of repairing a relationship. I remember thinking, repairing a relationship with Christ sounds like an important job and a needed one.

While continuing to learn what being a Reconciling in Christ Church meant, I sat back and thought about my spiritual journey. I have gone to church all of my life and have never really known what that meant. I had no idea how fortunate I was to always be accepted and welcomed. Then, we went to the training, and I learned even more about being a church where everyone is truly welcomed. You drive around and see signs that say “All are Welcome” hanging everywhere. Our trainer, Aubrey, had not always been welcomed by everyone, and her stories were eye-opening and inspiring. Her approach as a teacher was amazing. She wanted to educate the uneducated, motivate the unmotivated. I left the training knowing this huge endeavor was made for our church.

The training made me want to seek out more people and hear more stories. I turned to friends from the LGBTQIA+ community. I asked them questions about their experiences and asked them what they needed from a church. Their stories were parallel to Aubrey’s stories. The Bible states that God loves all people, and I found it a mission to make everyone feel this way.

I am glad to be on this Committee and look forward to creating a safe place for everyone. My daughter, Ella, and I embarked on this journey together. I have to admit, she helps me with questions I have and helps me relate to how church affects the teenagers in her life that are from the community. She doesn’t even yell at me when I say, “Wait that happened to them at church”?

Church has helped me throughout my life journey: health concerns, loss, happiness, and success. I want everyone to have a church family to celebrate with, mourn with, and a place to grow God’s love. A safe place for everyone. I want to be able to say and mean “There is a safe place at The Table”.