This Sunday is Trinity Sunday! There are a number of ways that people have tried to describe the Trinity to help the concept make sense. After all, God is one God but in three persons. That’s hard to grasp! Most, if not all, of the analogies that people have come up with throughout history don’t quite cover the true nature of the Trinity but I’ll share some here, as well as a video that humorously explains why they aren’t great analogies after all.
The Trinity is (kind of) like an apple - it is made up of 3 parts, the skin, the flesh, and the seeds, each of which is distinct from the others but all are a part of the apple.
The Trinity is (kind of) like the sun - there is the star in the sky, the sunlight, and the warmth of the sun. Each part has a distinct purpose but all come from the same source.
Like I said, these analogies have flaws (and, actually, confess heresies!) but they are the best our human minds can do to try to understand the concept of the Trinity. The idea of a three in one God where each member is distinct but all are one is truly a holy mystery that can only be even partially understood through faith.
Now, here’s that video I mentioned. It’s one of my favorite church videos and I return to it every Trinity Sunday for a good laugh. Enjoy! Note: the language gets a little aggressive at one point in the video but it is noted and called out within the video.
Pastor Pam