On Sunday, June 30, Sue Ellen Spotts, the DEM of the Upper Susquehanna Synod of the ELCA, joined us for worship and a time of discussion.  We talked about missions and causes that are important to The Table as a church and as a congregation.  We began by listening to a story from Mark's gospel - Mark 5:21-42 - in which Jairus asks Jesus to heal his daughter because she is very ill and dying.  Jesus agrees but on the way to Jairus's house, is delayed by a large crowd and a woman who also is in need of healing.  The woman thinks to herself, "if I can just touch the hem of Jesus's robes, I'll be healed," so that's exactly what she does.  She's right, at her touch, power flows out from Jesus and heals her, causing him to stop in his travels to ask "who touched me?" The woman comes forward and Jesus tells her it was her faith that healed her.  During this interruption, Jairus recieves word that his daughter has died.  Jesus insists on continuing the journey to his house, though, saying that his daughter is only sleeping.  When they arrive, he heals (or resurrects, perhaps) Jairus's daughter before instructing Jairus and his wife not to tell anyone what had occurred that day.

During our time with Sue Ellen, we discussed the plans and missions that The Table had when we first set out as a Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community (SAWC).  We acknowledged that we experienced an interruption in the form of COVID-19 but we then looked to the missions and plans that we have been able to pick up with again.  The file attachment that can be downloaded from this page is some notes from this session with Sue Ellen.  

Sue Ellen also gave us some homework.  To walk or drive our community - the exact footprint of what that means is up to you - and take note of who our neighbors are, be they businesses, groups of people, specific people, or any other type of neighbor.  We next gather with Sue Ellen on July 28, come ready with your lists or maps of our neighborhood as we continue our discussion of who we are as The Table and who we want to become!